
Friday, 31 August 2012


I love blog land, I really do. It seems people "there" are kinder than in any other "land". And I tell you why I think so. A little while ago Eva from the Czech Republic left a comment on my blog, to which I responded to which she responded again. Soon we had a nice email conversation going. And before I knew it, I got this lovely hankie in the post

Eva hand embroidered it and it seems she is a bit of a wizard with the needle and thread. Unfortunately Eva doesn't have a blog where you could see more of the lovely things she produces. Maybe I have to try to convince her to start one.  

Yesterday I found a another little parcel in my letter box. Conny (she is the lady who won my 100th post give away) sent me some lovely Dutch goodies. Look at these blue and red fabric together with the gorgeous ribbons! Aren't they just perfect for my Blogger BOM? And the little lavender soaps smell heavenly and are going into my closet so all my clothes will smell heavenly too. There was also a small Dutch chocolate bar, but as you can see, I already ate that. It was really delicious too, and that's saying something as I'm a bit of a chocolate snob and I usually only like Swiss chocolate! Thanks so much Conny, it really wasn't necessary, but I do appreciate it. 

Moving on to what I've been up to these last couple of weeks. I'm still sewing and crafting away for the Christmas bazaar in November.

More table runners; this time I put batting in between and quilted them.

Another bag (tutorial for the felt flower here)

A few pouches (tutorial here, except I boxed the corners)

My friend Heather and I have been experimented with tissue box covers. Hers turned are perfectly

mine still needs improving.

As we're having a house guest staying over the weekend (and it's his birthday tomorrow) I've been baking. I've seen the recipe here and wanted to try it out. It turned out absolutely delisious and what's more, it's so easy and fast to make. 


That's it for today. Have a great weekend ahead.

Vreni x

Monday, 13 August 2012

Another Little Quilt Swap 7 and another UFO finished!

This is was I made for this round of ALQS7. It's machine pieced and hand quilted with Pearl cotton 8. It's quite small, only 12 inches square, which was the rule this time.

Since I thought it would make a nice cushion  I've made a pocket at the back to insert a cushion form. This way it can be used either way.

As I didn't have a cushion form with the exact measurements at hand, I made one myself. I just cut two pieces of batting, sewed around it, leaving a opening for turning. After turning it, I stuffed it and hand stitched the opening closed. Voilà!
And another UFO is finished. Although I nearly gave up the will to live as my machine just wouldn't cooperate. I lost count how many time the thread broke or how many stitches were missed. But it's finished now and if you don't look too closely, it not too bad. 
Have a great week.
Vreni x