
Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Last minute preparations

In preparation for this week's charity fair, I did a bit of last minute crafting.

A Christmas box, covered with a lovely old fashioned fabric.

And aren't these fabric stars fun? I found the tutorial here and after a bit of fiddling around, I understood the process and was ready to go.
I see more of these in my future.

Keep your fingers crossed for our bazaar so we'll be able to make lots of money for a good cause.

Vreni x


blauraute said...

Liebe Vreni,
das sind aber schöne Sachen. Ich mag solche bezogenen Schachteln so gerne, und die Sterne sind wunderschön, danke auch für den Hinweis zum Tutorial. Ich drück Euch die Daumen, dass Ihr ganz, ganz viel einnehmt für einen guten Zweck.
Dir noch eine schöne Woche und liebe Grüße

Unknown said...

Thinking of all the Christmas box workshops we did together. Good old times. Good luck with the sales and I am definitely going to try those fabric stars!
Rose-Anne XXX

Suvi said...

Oh the stars, how many memories! We used to make them from paper at school, alternating red and white.

the christmas box is adorable!

Heather said...

Those fabric stars remind me of some that I made many years ago using paper strips. I will have to check out how to make them in fabric. Good luck with the sale.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

What cute little fabric stars. I like the box, too. Good luck with the sale.

Shirley said...

Fingers crossed Vreni. Love the christmas box and I haven't seen those stars before.

Geckoboxes said...

Have fun tomorrow and hope all your beautiful Christmas projects will sell!

FarahLin said...

Love the fabric covered box and those stars are super cute!!

Good Luck at the bazaar, Vreni!

Lynda said...

Always lovely boxes! Love the stars too. Good luck in raising lots of money.

Thimbleanna said...

Good luck at your bazaar! The box is lovely, as always, and those little stars are cute as can be -- thanks for the link!