and no, not to Singapore, but to my sewing room! You see, I've made some progress on my winter quilt. After adding a few more filler blocks, plus the pine tree on the right, I was able to put it all together. Only the borders are left to do and then I will have to quilt it of course. As usual, I didn't stick to the pattern too closely (there's a picture of the original on my side bar, if you want to compare).
Go here to see everybody's progress this month.
Vreni x
your Hasenbach-Quilt looks so beautiful! I like your arrangements and the different snowflakes!
Well done! have a nice day
Sehr, sehr schön liebe Vreni!
Mir gefällt sehr was Du aus den Vorlagen von Claudia zusammen mit Deinen Eigenkreationen geschaffen hast.
Really beautiful
Oh, das sieht ja schon so weit fortgeschritten aus! Ich finde es immer den schönsten Moment, wenn man die Blöcke zu einem Top zusammengenäht hat.
Ja, sehr zart und fast schon so frostig (bei Dir jetzt sicher nicht)und das sieht super aus!
LG Leonore
It looks great Vreni! Is it wall hanging size? It doesn't look very big which means some the piecing must have been tiny!
Very pretty. Such detailed paper piecing amazes me. You did a wonderful job!
Very beautiful! Well done!
Eine freundliche Winterlandschaft, hast du da gezaubert. Gefällt mir sehr gut.
Liebe Grüße von Gaby
Sehr schoen!! Mir gefaellt deine Anordnung sehr gut. Ein wirklich schoener Winterquilt!
Das sieht toll aus, liebe Vreni.
Ich hänge,weil ich nicht weiß, wie ich das ganze ohne diese Schneeflockenblöcke machen soll. Du inspirierst mich aber.
Tolle Umsetzung.
It's beautiful! Love how you put it together. Well done! :)
Oooh, I love your version Vreni -- sooo cute! Perfect for your snowy childhood, I think LOL? The blocks all look so great together!
You are making great progress Vreni and it looks so lovely.
Just a lovely a breath of that cold, crisp Winter air...hugs, Julierose
Un avance maravilloso, nos vemos el mes que viene.
Feliz bordado, un saludo
Wow that looks great. It would almost make you feel like you are in Europe. You need to put the aircon to max to give you that snowy Christmas ambience.
That is lovely! A great job!
Lovely work!!!. How pretty it willl be once you have finished it.
It's so pretty! Your piecing and arrangement of it are really nice. So I hope this doesn't mean you're expecting such a winter where you live! Yikes! You'd be housebound for days! I hope your winter is mild! Be sure to show us your finished quilt. I know you'll have some really nice quilting in it.
That is just lovely, well done on the finish
It is beautiful. Such nice details with the snow on the roof and trees. Makes me shiver!
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