
Wednesday 29 October 2014

Checking in!

I can't believe a whole month went by since my last post. How did that happen? I guess I've been busy and trying to make the best of what's left of this year. I want to be super organised this year (don't I say that every year?) and have already started to "stockpile" Christmas gifts and bought Christmas cards as well as made a few for special people who appreciate a hand made card.

I found a tutorial here of how to make fabric stamps and made some with Christmas fabric. Aren't they cute?

Here are a few more things I made for the Christmas charity fair:

Coasters with coordinated boxes

A couple of tea boxes with  glass lids

a Singapore photo box

I've seen these Christmas house ornaments on Pinterest and was dying to try to make them myself. Here's the first attempt. It turned out a bit too big, it's almost a small pillow so I will have to give it another go!

Last week our group made sewing kits to sell

and since they they are great for travelling, I made one for myself as well.

Then I made  another sewing box and if you are wondering how many sewing boxes one person needs, well this one is much bigger and can hold all my Auntie Green Quilt paraphernalia which is great when I work on it away form home. 

And talking about my Auntie Green Quilt; I have to be careful not to let that fall by the wayside and have decided to work on it each day for as little or long as I have time for. Here's a progress photo.

Till next time, take care everybody.
Vreni x


Julimond said...

Liebe Vreni
du willst aber jetzt nicht sagen, du wärest nicht fleissig gewesen. Du hast so schöne Sachen gemacht, einfach tolle Ideen. Die Untersetzer mit Dose, die "Briefmarken",deine Boxen in vielen Variationen. Einfach toll.
Und deine Aunt Green, einfach wunderbar. So würde es mir auch gefallen.
Ich werde vermutlich, da ich einen großen Quilt will, noch oben und unten Bluetenranken applizieren, sofern mein Hintergrundstoff reicht. Und dann noch eine Kontrastbordüre. Mal schauen, ob ich fündig werde.
Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag, und sage dankeschön für deinen lieben Kommentar bei mir.
Hier wird es gerade kalt....


Flickenstichlerin said...

Liebe Vreni xx,
was sind das tolle Sachen und so viel. Ich finde deine Boxen einfach klasse, die für Aunti Green ist natürlich der Hammer, sie hat auch noch ein Matte im Deckel, hab ich das richtig gesehen? Aunti Green ist ein absoluter Hingucker. Dann hatte ich noch auf einem Bild runde Schablonen auf einem Ring gesehen. Sind das Schablonen zum Handapplizieren, damit die Kreise schöner werden?
Das runde Reisetäschchen ist auch sehr praktisch, fleißig, fleißig. Tolle Projekte, ist doch toll wenn ein Anhänger groß genug ist, dass frau ihn auch sieht.
Liebe Grüßle,

Heather said...

Oh my, I just love your Auntie Green. Really beautiful, I can't wait to see your progress on this one. Such pretty boxes too, you have been busy!

Rita said...

Sali Vreni!
Da sieht's ja wie in einem Laden aus!! Bist Du fleissig!! Also diese Boxen sind ja schon toll!!! Bin doch auch ein kleiner Boxen/Schachtelfan;)
Und der Kuchen erst;) Sieht super fein aus....
Wünsch Dir weiterhin viel Spass beim Werkeln;)
Liebs Grüessli aus der sonnig-herbstlichen Schweiz, Rita

Martina said...

Wow, Vreni! Schon ganz tolle Sachen hast du da gewerkelt! Eines schoener als das andere! Und dieser Quilt, wow, der gefaellt mir seehr!
LG Martina

Thimbleanna said...

Auntie Green is coming along beautifully Vreni -- I love seeing it as it progresses! (Lots of Aunts in your quilting at the moment LOL.) And those boxes are -- WOW!!! I think the number of boxes one needs correlates to the number of projects one has going on -- you certainly need one for each project to hold all the threads, etc.

Wendy said...

wow, those boxes are amazing! did you make them from scratch? I like the little sewing kits too. to answer to the question "how many sewing kits does a person need", well at least 26 of course!

Wendy @ Wendysquiltsandmore said...

What beautiful boxes you've made. They are all so neat! Your Auntie Green quilt looks lovely too. It's nice to have a longer term project on the go, but you're right, long periods can go by where it gets no attention. Looks like you're going to be working on it now though.

Cattinka said...

Hallo Vreni,
wer so viel macht wie Du hat eben mal keine Zeit fürs Bloggen, und jetzt bekommen wir dafür alles auf einmal zu sehen. Du hast schöne Projekte in Angriff genommen, und bist gut voran gekommen.

Geckoboxes said...

Woh, you clever girl! It is so good to see there will be beautiful handmade gifts for sale again at the next Charity Christmas Bazar!
You know how to make something special!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Rosemary B here:
Hi Vreni, I think these stamps are so cute. I want to make them now lol
Your other creations are also just beautiful. Well done dear!

Anonymous said...

After receiving your email today I just had to write and tell you that your items are fantastic!!! I LOVE the coasters in matching boxes - do you make the boxes or cover boxes you have bought. Love to know. The larger tea boxes are gorgeous - I would love to know how you made those. And you hit my heart with your little christmas house which is absolutely adorable! I love your work.

perry94022 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Oooops - I just left a post asking about your gorgeous covered boxes and I have just found your tutorial on your blog - should have looked there first before I asked about them.
Also, I forgot to say that your Auntie Green quilt looks wonderful too.

perry94022 at hotmail dot com

Lynda said...

Vreni, you have been busy! I love the quilt. It is going to be amazing when finished. You won't want anyone to ever sit on it for sure. As always, the boxes you make are wonderful. I haven't even started thinking about Christmas yet. Guess everyone will get money this year. Every year I say I need to start making something early but it gets harder and harder to think of something to make for everyone.

HeathersSewingRoom said...

That is certainly a very impressive amount of creative work. You have been working very hard and I love all your results. I hope the bazaar goes off really well.

Anonymous said...

Hallo Vreni,
schön mal so viele neue Sachen auf einmal zu sehen. Da bleibt wenig Zeit, alles sofort zu zeigen. Tolle Bilder, die Schachteln, die Briefmarken ... und, und, Einfach toll!
Liebe Grüße

meli B said...

Auntie Green is looking fabulous. I do love your boxes. Beautiful and useful. A good combination.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Lots of cute projects.