
Saturday, 9 November 2013

Finally, some Christmas crafting!

In case you've been wondering what I've been up to these last couple of weeks, I will tell you. I've made some Christmas ornaments, stitched in felt and then put into small (3 or 4 inch) embroidery hoops.

This one is for mum as I tried to copy her childhood home. 

I hope she can see what it's meant to be. My husband and my son recognised it instantly, so that was a relief ;)!

I wanted to make some more, but unfortunately the shop I got the little hoops from had run out of stock and if I order them over the Internet, the chances are that it's too late by the time they arrive. Oh well, something to plan for next year. 

As I had the felt out, I've made this miniature pin cushion, which has been on my to do list ever I've seen it here, 

 Isn't it cute? I'm going to make a whole lot more of them. 

A small selection of the Christmas cards I've made so far.

I love making the "10-minutes table runners" although they take me a fair bit longer than 10 minutes. 
 Christmas box to give away Christmas cookies. 
A tea box for a friend,
I still need to buy the tea bags to go inside

and last but not least, my seventh Camelot block. Silly my, I've put the middle part together the wrong way, but at the moment, I can't be bothered to take it apart. 

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
Vreni x

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Julimond said...

Du warst ja sehr fleißig, liebe Vreni.
Deine Miniaturen sind wunderschön und der Erkennungswert des Elternhauses deiner Mutter ist wirklich groß.
Schade, daß du die kleinen Stickrahmen nicht mehr bekommst. Ich wußte gar nicht, daß es die in Mini gibt.
Weihnachtskarten, das will ich seit Jahren machen, aber dann gerät der Plan immer ganz weit nach hinten...und dann ist es zu spät ;-))
Ich wünsche dir eine wunderbare Zeit.

Cattinka said...

Liebe Vreni,
wow, warst Du produktiv! Die kleinen Ornametne in den Stickrahmen sehen sehr hübsch aus, schade dass Du keine passenden Rahmen mehr hast. Du kannst ja schon mal auf Vorrat Filzinnenteile nähen, dann sind sie schnell fertig wenn Deine Rahmen kommen!

Silvia said...

Vreni...Already has arrived the Christmas ornaments in your house????. Wowww....Everything you have meade is lovely..I love your lovely cases.

Marg said...

Wow you have been busy. I wish I had as much to show. I haven't den started thinking about Xmas gifts! Love the hoops, they are so cute and I'm sure your mother will recognise her house instantly, it looks fabulous.

Marg said...

Wow you have been busy. I wish I had as much to show. I haven't den started thinking about Xmas gifts! Love the hoops, they are so cute and I'm sure your mother will recognise her house instantly, it looks fabulous.

barcord said...

I love the little Christmas pictures Vreni. Amazing boxes too. Your Christmas crafting is all beautiful.

Wendy said...

so many gorgeous projects! The christmas tree ornaments are so cute, I've got some tiny hoops like that so I'll have to have a go. The tea box is gorgeous!

Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said...

The little pincushion is gorgeous! The detail in your hoops is amazing considering how small they are!

Rossana said...

WOW!!! Really lovely ornaments!...and very beautiful gifts for your lucky friends! Well done, Vreni.

Geckoboxes said...

You are a busy bee again! Lovely little projects you have made. And your boxes are as lovely as ever! I bet the cookies that will go in will be yummy too!

Ailsa (Cape Pincushion) said...

I love your hoops, so utterly charming! And your mom's childhood house was amazing! I saw lots of farm houses like that in Austria. So beautiful.

HeathersSewingRoom said...

Your time out worked well in your favour as you have been very productive since. Love all our decorations.

Thimbleanna said...

Well, if it's any consolation, I can't tell what's wrong with that Camelot block -- it looks wonderful to me.

Your little Christmas ornaments are adorable. The house is perfect -- a great rendition!

meli B said...

Your Mum's xmas house is soooooo cute! Best present for sure!

Lynda said...

You have been very busy. The little ornaments are so cute with so much detail. Your Mom is going to love hers.

chrisi said...

da hast du auch wieder viel gearbeitet, ja du denkst schon richtig, es dauert zwar noch aber am 19.Sept.Abflug nach Darwin, werde beim Heimflug einen Stopp in Singapore machen, vielleicht können wir uns dann treffen? wäre schön....lg

FlourishingPalms said...

What lovely things you've been making! You're into creating with felt, huh? I've never tried it myself. Those hoops designs you've created are charming. Yes, the house looks just like the pictured one where your mother grew up. Great work! Darling pin cushion too. You're definitely on the way to having a completely homemade Christmas.